So its that time of year again, we've had about a six to seven weeks since the Halloween-Thanksgiving-Christmas candy trifecta passed. Now, its the Valentine's-Easter double whammy. I try not to buy too much candy because inevitably my kids will come home loaded down with chocolates and sweets and we went up with candy for months. The issue is, that the chocolate calls to me late at night and wakes me from my sleep. Sarah.....sarah....Sa-rah....just a few pieces....come one...just a few....*nom nom nom*. Next thing I know I have eaten the whole bag. Now that the kids are older, I can't blame them when the husband asks me where all the chocolate went. I could blame the dog, but he's little and everyone would tell me to rush him to the vet for eating 18365 pounds of chocolate, when really it was just me in my sugar induce haze. I try to ensure that I don't really buy any because I would feel really bad eating all the kids candy. I would be like the Jimmy Kimmel Halloween prank, but it would be true! I really did eat all their candy. So, as I journey on this long road to eating healthy when I am surrounded by sugar in everyday foods that shouldn't even have sugar, how does one fight sugar when its in everything. Sometimes it feels a bit hopeless. But this year I am determined to eat all the candy.
So here's to us sugar/candy addicts getting through another sugar crazed holiday without eating all the candy insite.