Monday, September 29, 2014

Hit a road block

So I am going to admit it here, I am having trouble with my diet and exercise. I was doing so great in August with both my diet and exercise. What happened to make September so hard? School started back up, my hours at work shifted, in short I have a ton of excuses. I am the first to admit that I ate terribly and worked out minimally. But you know what? Apart of life is falling and failing, but what defines you is getting back up. So this morning, with renewed focus, I woke up and started anew. I ate well, I had a Chocolate Shakeology for breakfast, a healthy and homemade turkey soup for lunch and a steak salad for dinner. Then, I got off my caboose and go out and ran this evening. Everytime I run, I think, "I missed this." While I enjoyed all the DVD workouts I did over the summer, 21 Day Fix, T25, and the last program I did PIYO, I never had the me time I get when running outside. I still had a newborn either on the floor next to me, my four year old asking me questions and my eight year old running about. When I run, its the first time all day that I have for just me. I get to be alone with myself and I don't have to think about work, kids, my husband, the house, or anything. I get to run it all off. The day's stresses, last nights worries, it all gets put by the wayside if even for 30 minutes. I come back sweaty and refreshed and able to deal with the 1294679 things waiting for me when I walk in the door.

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