Sunday, October 12, 2014

Family Fun!

So, you may or may not know I live in Alaska, southeast Alaska to be exact. It rains, a lot. So I was able to find some great things to do with the family, we went to the pumpkin "patch" and had family movie night with the kids. I watched a movie with the hubby after the kids went to bed, and of course Sunday means football. While the my husband watched football I met up with some local moms (and one dad) and we had a kids' clothing swap. It was great to meet up with local moms, let our babies crawl around and swap clothes we didn't need for items we did. My diet has been bang on too! We had roasted chicken and veggies for Sunday dinner and I have a ton of left overs for healthy salads, soups and sandwiches for the coming week. I didn't see any movement on the scale, but I am feeling hopeful and optimistic. So here's to a great third week of Ocotober and I hope things keep on a positive note.

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